
venerdì 22 maggio 2020

Book Blogger Hop & The Friday 56 #1

This meme is hosted by Billy @  Ramblings of a Coffee Addict

This Week's question's:
If you own an ebook, would you also purchase a print copy as well?

Well, I had a strange relationship with e-books for years. I always just downloaded Kindle freebies on my phone, or used my e-reader for review copies that were made available on digital format. A couple years ago, though, I finally received a Kindle as a birthday present, and it really changed my opinion on digital reading! That said, I usually get a vibe when a book is going to be THE book, so usually, I buy directly a printed copy, while I buy ebooks for those titles that can be related to my compulsive buying. 
Nevertheless, I just finished an excellent ebook that might just be the first that I will have both in print and digital edition: Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert... I can not imagine not having this on my shelf!
So the answer to the question is: Yes, I would, if the book is worth having also physically!

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted @ Freda's Voice

If you want to join, rules are super simple!

                                                           1. Just grab a book!
                                          2. Go to page 56 or 56% on your e-reader.
                                                  3. Find a snippet, no spoiler!
                        4. Post and don't forget to stop by the other partecipants!

"Before I knew him well enough, before I realised how much it meant that he'd lived by crime and passion for eight years in Bombay without making a single enemy and without borrowing a single dollar, I tended to dismiss Didier as little more than an amusing but hopeless drunkard. It was an easy mistake to make, and one that he himself encouraged.

Ouch, nothing saucy in this page, but hope you get intrigued! Shantaram is such a different book from my usual, but tons of interesting things to learn!

Link me up your memes and I will certainly stop by! Happy weekend xx

11 commenti:

  1. I find that I read more because of the shift to digital. If I tried to own a print of every digital copy I have, it would get a bit ridiculous.

  2. I hope you're enjoying it! Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. I wish I could see the cover, but I like that snippet. It sounds so different from my usual reads but in a good way. :-) Happyw eekend, stay safe!

    1. Is it not showing? I'm trying to get used to the Blogger format again, but a lot of things have changed and I'm struggling :/
      Shantaram really is a different book, and also an engaging one!

      Thank you for stopping by! xx

  4. Hi! I do like that beginning, it is long, but written well! I would buy a physical book if I loved the ebook loads!

    Here is my Friday Post. Stay well!

  5. I use my kindle for ebook only type reads too. Though I haven't really found the love everyone has for the ebook reader like everyone else has. I find it convenient, but given the choice I'd still choose the real book! Lol.

    Here's my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. A book I just finished had an underestimated drunkard. Didier reminded me of that character so far. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. I will get a physical copy of an ebook, if I really loved the book. However, I can't read ebooks on my mobile, it tires me. Kindle is a different story - I find reading there very easy!
    Konna @ The Reading Armchair

    1. Yes, buying the actual device was a game changer for me! Before, I used to read on my phone or on tablets but I found that the classic black and white Kindle screen allows to read way more. Thank you for stopping by xx

  8. I'm more of an ebook reader too, Sara. The short answer for me is generally no. However, if I've read an ebook by a favourite author that I'd like to get signed one day then yes! 💜😊
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week, stay safe and healthy.
    Here's my BBH Post
    Flora x

  9. Yes! This is me too. I will buy a physical copy of an e-book I already own if it is a favorite. Like you, I have become picky about the physical books I do buy. You are so right about e-books being more impulse buys. LOL

    I hope you are enjoying Shantaram. I have that on my TBR shelf and have been wanting to read it.

    Have a great week!
